
Emerging solutions for single cell omics

Capture precious samples anywhere

Lock-in biological states and store samples

Process at central location


Biological resolution at the level of individual cells is powering the next phase of precision health. Honeycomb is developing a new paradigm in single-cell technology — integrating a sample storage solution within single-cell profiling. The HIVE device is portable, handheld, and single-use, enabling broad collection of samples with the efficiency and quality of centralized analytical processing. Honeycomb aims to expand single-cell opportunities to basic, tranlation, pre-clinical, and clinical research throughout the world.


Cellular expression changes rapidly, so the HIVE locks signal at time and point of collection.

HIVE devices require no specialized equipment or complex workflow.

Gentle sample collection process enables fragile cells to be successfully captured.


Preserves biological information in a single cell format.

Maintains sample integrity during storage, shipping, and eventual processing.

Enables asynchronous collection and processing.

Centralized Processing

Can be processed centrally and/or in batches for better efficiency and reduced experimental variability.

Does not rely on a specialized processing instrument.

Is designed to work with all major automated liquid handling workflows.

Will facilite a variety of profiling applications, beyond just single-cell RNAseq.

Use Cases

Distributed collection

Ideal for collecting samples in multi-center studies.

Fragile cell types

Can be used to capture even the most delicate or labile types of cells (granulocytes, nephrons, hepatocytes, and neurons).

Sparse samples

Precious samples containing diluted cells can be loaded in the HIVE for maximal cell recovery.

Founded by world leaders
in single-cell technology

Jim Flanigon, PhD, MBA

Chief Executive Officer

Life science and technology executive. Expertise in genomics, molecular diagnostics, and precision medicine, including roles at Genzyme, CCE, and Oracle.

Todd Gierahn, PhD

Chief Science Officer

Single-cell and immunology pioneer. MIT senior researcher on single-cell technologies. Developed foundational platform for Genocea Biosciences.

Brian Hutchison, PhD

Sr. VP Development & Ops

Life science operations executive. Genomic development and operations leader at Qiagen and Rain Dance.

Alex K. Shalek, PhD

massachusetts institute of technology

Pfizer-Laubach Career Development Assistant Professor, IMES and Chemistry at MIT. Leader in the development of new technologies for deep, integrated molecular profiling of cells and their interactions.

J. Christopher Love, PhD

massachusetts institute of technology

Professor of Chemical Engineering at Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT. Focus on technologies that address biological questions in immunology, microbiology, systems biology, and bioprocess engineering.

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